Future-proof your business

Your path to compliance with the European Accessibility Act

The deadline for the European Accessibility Act is less than one year away. Are you unsure how to comply? We help you understand the requirements and how to use it as an opportunity for business growth.

What is the European Accessibility Act?

The European Accessibility Act (EAA) is a new European directive (2019/882) that requires a large range of products and services to be accessible to people with disabilities. It aims to make accessibility rules the same across all EU countries, facilitating the internal market and reducing the costs of compliance for businesses.

Who must comply?

Every company that produces and/or provides goods and services that were released, updated or changed after 28 June 2025 in the European Union. This means that the directive also applies to companies outside the EU selling products or providing services to consumers within the EU.

Manufacturers and producers

Companies that produce goods such as computers, smartphones, ATMs, and TVs

Service providers

Entities offering services such as e-commerce platforms, banking services, and transport providers

Importers and distributors

Businesses importing or distributing products into the EU market

Technology developers

Companies developing software, operating systems, and digital content

There are a few exceptions to the EAA. If your business has less than 10 employees and an annual balance sheet of less than €2 million, then you are exempt from following the EAA.
B2B (business to business) companies are also excluded from the act, since the directive target consumer access to products and services. However, depending on the country, additional regulations may apply to these categories. But even if your organisation is exempt from the EAA, implementing accessibility can have many other benefits.

Physical products must be designed for maximum use by people with disabilities and comply with rules on information, instructions, user interface, support services, and packaging.

  • Computers and operating systems
  • Smartphones and tablets
  • Payment terminals and ATMs
  • Self-service terminals such as information terminals and check-in machines
  • Smart TV equipment
  • E-readers

Digital services must make their websites and apps accessible, provide information about their accessibility features, and address the needs of people with disabilities.

  • Online banking
  • Telephony services (including answer to emergency calls)
  • Audiovisual media services (e.g. streaming services)
  • Websites, mobile services, electronic tickets and information for passenger transport
  • E-books

E-commerce falls under digital services as the most comprehensive service provider sector under the European Accessibility Act.

  • Selling (books, financial services, travel services, etc.)
  • News services (such as news websites)
  • Entertainment services
  • Professional services (lawyers, estate agents, doctors)
  • Advertising
  • Basic intermediary services (internet access, transmission, and hosting of information)
  • Free services funded by advertising, sponsorship, etc.

What is the deadline?

The deadline is 28 June 2025.

By then, you need to have:

  • Evaluated the accessibility of your product or service
  • Implemented accessibility measures
  • Published an accessibility statement (in most countries)

The deadline for services to stop using inaccessible products is 28 June 2030.

What are the requirements?

It is expected that the EU standard EN 301 549 will be the main reference for demonstrating compliance with the European Accessibility Act (EAA), the same standard used for the EU Web Accessibility Directive (WAD) for the public sector. If or when additional standards become relevant to the EAA, this site will be updated to reference them. The EN 301 549 is largely based on the international Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG), which is not an official standard in the European Union.

How does it benefit your company and users?


Semantic HTML and CSS ensures that the site works well across different browsers and devices. By following the guidelines, a website is more likely to remain functional and relevant as technology evolves, future-proofing it and facilitating machine-to-machine interaction for IoT devices.

Improved user experience

Well-implemented accessibility enhances usability for everyone, not just users with disabilities, leading to a better overall user experience. For example, subtitles on video content can be helpful for people in noisy environments, and clear error messages help everyone fix the error faster.


Accessible websites often rank better in search engines due to better structured and semantic content. Features such as alternative text for images, proper use of headings, and descriptive link texts can help search engines understand the content better, which can attract more visitors.

Public perception

Demonstrating commitment to accessibility enhances your brand reputation as a socially responsible and inclusive organisation. This also appeal to a wider customer base, including people who value businesses that support accessibility and inclusivity.

Innovation & differentiation

Investing in accessibility leads to new features that make your products stand out. Companies that proactively comply with accessibility regulations are ahead of the curve and can avoid the rush to make last-minute adjustments when new laws are enforced.

Larger customer base

Accessible products and services cater to a broader customer base, including people with disabilities and the elderly. Better usability increases customer satisfaction, and users are more likely to return to and recommend products that are easy to use.

How to prepare for the EAA?

  • 01
    Check if your business is a target of the EAA
  • 02
    Make an initial accessibility check of your products and services
  • 03
    Choose a partner to guide you on your path to EAA compliance

Having an accessibility company working with you will help to choose the best strategy of accessibility remediation and maturity for your business, tailoring this approach accordingly to the company needs, timeline and budget. An audit is not always the best choice if your team does not know how to interpret the results correctly. Together, we will plan the next steps to make your organisation more inclusive.

How to choose your partner

Choose a partner that not only meets standards but helps set them. Here’s what to look for in a Digital Accessibility Partner:

  • A team that includes experts with first-hand experience of disabilities.
  • Up-to-date IAAP-certifications held by team members, demonstrating recognized expertise.
  • A deep understanding of European accessibility regulations
  • Client references relevant to your industry.
  • Multilingual proficiency and flexibility.

Don't wait — act now: 
Get a free strategy assessment

We can help you design a strategy on how to implement the European Accessibility Act. Expert guidance ensures that your organisation fully understands and meets the legal requirements, avoiding potential penalties for non-compliance. It also makes the remediation process more efficient and cost-effective by pinpointing the most critical areas for improvement.
‍As an inclusive design agency, we can guide you in using the EAA as a business opportunity to reach a broader audience and enhance your brand reputation.

Contact us

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Your partner in accessibility

We are an accessibility expert company based in Belgium, with IAAP-certified consultants who have more than 20 years of experience in the field. Our team can assist you at every stage of the project lifecycle, from development to user testing.
We provide tailored services including audits, training and consultancy to meet your organisation's specific needs, for both private and public sectors.
And more important: We practise what we preach, being an inclusive and diverse company!

How Eleven Ways can support you

Accessibility audits

Evaluate the accessibility of your website or app for individuals with disabilities or limited digital skills through a WCAG or EN 301 549 compliance audit. Our reports also include practical advice on how to fix the issues found on your digital service.

Inclusive UX review

Ensure your product meets the needs of diverse users by reviewing your design before moving on to development. Besides preventing potential accessibility issues, go beyond compliance by considering the largest possible user base.

Expert consultancy

Have an expert guide your company through levelling up your accessibility maturity and get advice on accessibility checks, creating an accessibility statement and one-on-one sessions with developers and designers to answer their technical questions.

Inclusive user research

Test whether your website or app truly offers a good and accessible experience for all users. It is a wonderful tool for raising awareness and to fix potential usability and accessibility issues that might otherwise get overlooked.


‍Learn how to make your digital products and services accessible. We offer nine dedicated training courses for managers, content writers, developers, managers, UX/UI designers, marketers, and community managers in English, Dutch, French and German.

Empathy lab

Gain a better understanding of what digital accessibility means in our Digital Accessibility Empathy Lab (DAEL). Engaging workshops and activities show your team how people with disabilities surf the internet and what tools they use.


You may have to redesign products and services to comply with specific accessibility standards. Companies will need to invest in accessible design practices, potentially leading to increased costs in the short term, but making your digital products and services accessible for everyone can only benefit your business in the long run. Removing barriers will undisputedly lead to more market opportunities.

It is also an opportunity to grow internationally, since many other countries have adopted their own accessibility laws: We can name the USA with their American Accessibility Act and their Section 508 for government contractors, or the UK with the Equality Act 2010.

If your business is part of this list of products and services, and sells these in the EU market, then the EAA applies to you. You can consult the complete EAA directive on the EUR-Lex website, or contact us. We will be happy to guide you and answer all your questions.

Yes. If your business is a microenterprise (i.e. has fewer than 10 employees and an annual balance sheet of less than €2 million), then you are exempt from following the EAA. The EAA also does not apply to internal business and B2B systems. However, additional regulations may apply to these categories depending on the country. Planning ahead is still the best move, considering that your business will eventually grow and the benefits of accessibility go beyond legal requirements.
When compliance causes provable "disproportionate burdens" or necessitates "fundamental changes to the essential nature" of the product or service can also refer to the disproportionate burden clause.

The "disproportionate burden" clause in the EAA aims to balance accessibility goals with practical limitations for organizations. If compliance costs are too high, an economic operator can use this exception by evaluating the ratio of compliance costs to overall costs, the estimated costs and benefits, and the net costs compared to turnover. The operator must document this evaluation and report it to national authorities, who will review and might investigate. Authorities may enforce penalties, like fines, on those who fail to notify them in advance of using this exception.

The company must then demonstrate through research why they cannot comply, proving that the requirements cause provable “disproportionate burdens” to the product/service; or that the necessary updates cause provable “fundamental changes to the essential nature” of the product/service. The case has to be researched and documented, keeping track of it for 5 years. It is also subject to the analysis and approval of the country's regulatory agency.

You are then obliged to check again whether you can comply with the guidelines at least every five years, but also if the service/product is changed or updated or if asked to do so by an enforcement party.

Non-compliance will be met with penalties that depend on the severity of the infractions, how many products or services are inaccessible, how many people are affected by their inaccessibility and the laws of the country where the violation occurs. This underscores the importance of planning your strategy for accessibility remediation, starting with an audit to identify critical issues.

According to the European Disability Forum, using an accessibility overlay is not the right way to ensure compliance. There is no automated tool that can cover all the WCAG criteria. This article also points out that since some overlay tools have been reported to interfere with assistive technologies, they could actually make your website less accessible for some users. The Overlay Fact Sheet website provides more information on this topic.

The European Accessibility Act (EAA) represents a new stage in the European Union efforts to combat discrimination against people with disabilities, which go back three decades. Legally, this type of policy was enshrined with the Treaty of Amsterdam of 1997, one of the European Union's founding treaties. Before that, the European Union had started funding research in the accessibility of "telematics", for example through the TIDE programme, which was launched in 1991.
After the United Nations Convention On The Rights Of Persons With Disabilities (UNCRPD) came into force in 2008, the European Union, as a signatory, was obliged to adopt additional legislation to promote and protect the rights of persons with disabilities. The Web Accessibility Directive (adopted in 2016) and the European Accessibility Act (adopted in 2019) are two examples of such legislation in the ICT domain.

The World Wide Web Consortium's Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) are the most widely known accessibility guidelines, but could not be used as a reference in European accessibility directives for two reasons. First, WCAG was designed as a set of requirements for websites, whereas the European directives also cover apps, non-web documents and even hardware. Second, the European Union does not recognise the W3C as an official European standards body, so its standards cannot be used as a reference in EU directives and regulations.
EN 301 549 was created by the official European standardisation bodies CEN, CENELEC and ETSI at the European Commission's request. Three of the chapters in EN 301 549 reference success criteria at conformance levels A and AA in WCAG. Other chapters define additional criteria; EN 301 549's rules for determining conformance also differ from WCAG's. However, for most websites, conformance with WCAG 2.1 level AA would imply conformance with the requirements for websites in EN 301 549.

Yes, you still have to comply with the European Accessibility Act (EAA) if your business offers products or services within the EU market and none of the exceptions applies to your business.

Content published before the EAA's compliance date does not automatically have to be retrofitted to meet the new standards immediately. If a product or service was already available before this date, the provider has until June 28, 2030, to ensure full compliance with the EAA requirements.

However, any significant updates or redesigns to this content after the compliance deadline would need to adhere to the accessibility requirements. For digital services and content, such as websites and apps, ongoing accessibility updates are encouraged even if the content was published before the EAA came into effect.

Businesses must prepare a Declaration of Conformity for each product or service that falls under the EAA's scope. This document declares that the product or service meets the accessibility requirements outlined in the EAA. Alongside the Declaration of Conformity, businesses must maintain technical documentation that supports the declaration, providing detailed information about the product's design and development and demonstrating how it meets the accessibility requirements.

For certain services, particularly digital services like websites and apps, an accessibility statement may be required. This statement informs users about the accessibility of the service and provides details on how to request assistance or report accessibility issues.

The European Accessibility Act primarily targets products and services made available to the public, to improve accessibility for consumers within the EU market. Therefore, the EAA does not require internal applications — that are solely used by company employees — to be accessible. However, promoting accessibility in all aspects of your business, including internal tools, aligns with best practices and other legal obligations related to workplace accommodations.

The EAA requirements for native mobile apps are similar to the ones for websites, requiring them to be accessible to all users, including those with disabilities. Compliance involves meeting the accessibility standards and providing clear accessibility statements.

Yes, B2C websites that provide contact forms, customer support or product/company information must comply with the European Accessibility Act (EAA) if they operate within the EU market. Even if these websites do not have an e-shop, they still offer services and information to consumers, which falls under the scope of the EAA.

The primary liability for ensuring that a website is accessible rests with the site owner, as they are the entity offering the service to the public. However, the agency responsible for developing the website also has a responsibility to adhere to accessibility standards, especially if such compliance was stipulated in their contract.